Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dinner 7/26 - 7/30

Monday: Left over tacos
Tuesday: Calzones and garlic bread
Wednesday: Asian beef stir fry
Thursday: Beef roast (crock pot)
Friday: Salsa chicken with cous cous

Freedom and the Soul

This is a wonderful quote from Whittaker Chambers (1901-1961) who was an American editor and writer:
Freedom is a need of the soul, and nothing else. It is in striving toward God that the soul strives continually after a condition of freedom. God alone is the inciter and guarantor of freedom. He is the only guarantor.
External freedom is only an aspect of interior freedom. Political freedom, as the Western world has known it, is only a political reading of the Bible. Religion and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies. Without the soul, there is no justification for freedom. 

"for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever." 1 Chronicles 9

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well because I've got sooooooo much extra time (note the sarcasm), I've decided to start making Ronni's bows. I got the idea at one of the many festivals around here where there was a woman selling bows for $12! Unbelievable! So I decided to just make my own. I found a website that shows you how to make them, and slowly I've been learning how to make them cute. Here are some pictures of a few of my favorites:o)

I also made her birthday bow:o) AND I've ordered some Dallas Cowboys ribbon to make bows for football season! LOVE it:o)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's been too long

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted anything. C'mon Patti get your life together!

We had the kids' birthday party last weekend and it was a blast! We couldn't have wished for a better day. We had so many friends and family over! What a blessing! Here are some pictures from the party!

I just love the picture of Ronni with the blue balloon! It's hard to believe that Matthew is 3 and my baby girl will be 1 tomorrow! Can time slow down for a minute?