Friday, November 7, 2008

Who is this Barack, and whatever happened to MY America???

I will preface this by saying that I'm absolutely a Conservative Republican. Why do I call myself by that title? Because I subscribe to the same beliefs that conservatives do: (1) I believe in limited (small) government size and power, (2) I believe that killing unborn babies is wrong, (3) I believe in low taxes, even for those who make good money, (4) I believe that government should keep us safe but NOT take care of us, (5) I believe in a strong military to keep our country SAFE. All this being said, I really do not understand how intelligent people can be liberal. Some people say that left wingers are dumb, or that they are confused about what they believe. I'm not convinced on either. I truly believe that there are liberals who are intelligent and that they truly believe that they are convinced that leftist policies are best.

Personally, I think that liberal policies do not make sense and do not work. So in an attempt to understand, I decided to listen to a left wing radio show in the car. What they were talking about really surprised me! Just like we Republicans, Liberals are really unsure about what exactly Barack Obama will do in office. They are totally unaware what his focus will be in office. Is that scary to anyone else? People who diligently supported him do not know what he will do! We all know the message that he ran on: change. But not all change is good change, and I'm not convinced that he will actually change anything. In the book "The Case Against Barack Obama," David Freddoso says that "If Barack Obama is a reformer, he may be the first reformer ever to become president of the United States before doing anything serious in the name of reform." Why did he make this claim? Well, because Obama has not been a part of any kind of reform in his short political career. In fact, he has been a part of the "good old boy" politics that HE supposidly opposes. While in Illonois, he HELPED the Chicago machine, which employed contributors of their campaigns with taxpayer dollars. That's right, people became employed by the state if they made monetary contibutions to those who were in control of the system, AND Barack not only knew about it, he helped! WOW! And this is the next president, with whom the liberals are worried about what he's going to do.

This brings me to my next point: What happened to MY America? I was born in 1984, the time of Ronald Reagan: who was the ultimate unifier of America AND a conservative republican! He made liberals into republicans! If you look at the 1980 election, he won the electoral votes of 44 of the 50 states! He beat Jimmy Carter by almost ten percentage points in the popular vote. What happened? How did we as a country decide that socialism, which is what Barack Obama proposes, is better than our traditional democracy? I have been so confused! Where did we go wrong to think that it is better for government wipe our behinds rather than to protect us? And if America is becoming a center left country, where am I supposed to go? If we are going to disregard the pricinples that this country were founded on in order to be taken care of and become socialist, where are us conservative supposed to go? Let me just be clear: SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK! Just ask Russia:o) There is something to working hard so that you can get ahead, and socialism just does not support those who work hard. Would we rather have a country where everyone is taken care of but no one is rewarded for working hard? Really, is that where we are now? I sure hope not.

I do believe, as a Christian, that we should help those who are in need, but I think that it should be MY choice who to give my money to and not the government's! This CHOICE may be one of the most important ones for government to consider. Let's all hope that this new government makes the right one.


Jessie said...

Amen sister!

Anthony Pagano said...

Thomas Jefferson once wrote: "A little revolution now and then is a good thing" Ronald Reagan understood this and that's a big part of why he was elected in land slides for two terms.

Unfortunately, Repulican Legislator's have lost their voice. In order to appear "middle of the road" many Washington Republicans distanced themselves from conservatism when Reagan left office. They joined the liberal lemmings. It's simply astounding because the first 7 years of Reagan's terms where named "the seven fat years." (more on this in future writings).

I believe strongy in Jefferson's words. The fight is far from over. We will get our America back. We have allot of work to do. We WILL get it back

Anthony Pagano said...

What DOES Barack Hussein Obama II AKA Barry Soetoro believe? He believes the middle class needs to be rescued form the evils of competition. In a speech titled "Senator Obama's Economic Rescue Plan for the Middle Class" at Toledo, Ohio on Oct 13th, 2008, Barry had these words to say "I’m proposing a number of steps that we should take immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners. It’s a plan that begins with one word that’s on everyone’s mind, and it’s spelled J-O-B-S." So, how does Barry propose to create jobs? “…by creating a Jobs and Growth Fund”. This “fund” will provide “projects to rebuild and repair our roads, our bridges, and our schools”. “At a time when the ups and downs of the stock market have rarely been so unpredictable and dramatic, we also need to give families and retirees more flexibility and security when it comes to their retirement savings. “ Sound familiar? Seems we have regressed to 1929 which got us to this point. Of course it was helped along by both Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd when they fought George Bush over lending practices of Fannie May and Freddy Mac. They fought to lend money to those who were high risk borrowers AKA most likely to NOT pay the loan back. So, this is the liberal lemming approach to recovery. Stand by folks it’s going to get allot worse before it gets better!

Anthony Pagano said...

The Obama economic plan is right out of the 70’s. The liberals brought us “Stagflation”. Interest rates were at 13.3% and unemployment was 6.1% in 1979. The Carter administration was a joke. Congress was just as bad. Although liberals controlled the House, Senate and the Presidency, they had no idea how to get out of it. We are, once again, on our way back to “Stagflation”. We will need another Ronald Reagan. More to come…