Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sibling Rivalry

With all the thoughts on homeschooling the children, I got a book called "Preschool at Home: What do I do with my Child before Kindergarten?" by Debbie Feely. Well I read it today (it's less than 50 pages and a super easy read), and the paragraph on sibling rivalry was really interesting, so I thought I'd share!

"Sibling rivalry is a concern for many families. My mother's tried and true method for dealing with five fussing children was to require us to sit together on the sofa until we were ready to be friends. I had Jeffrey and Robby (her two sons) sit on the entryway step. It rarely took more than three minutes for them to be laughing together. Timeout together is far more effective than separation. A child may fuss and squabble because he is hungry, tired, or just because he needs some loving attention. A snuggle on the sofa with a story, or a quiet time for him to share his heart are ways to restore your child to good humor."

What a different approach! Something for me to keep in mind as little Ronni is growing up and testing her brother:o)

1 comment:

Charissa @ The Stromski's World said...

Was the book helpful to you on the homeschool front? If so, I will check it out at the library.